HEAJ - Haute Ecole Albert Jacquard - Namur
Ludus Academie - Brussels
Majors: Latin - English - Sciences
I'm making data production accelerators in several tools
I maintained and developped tools for Publishing and Customers Support teams of Microsoft Flight Simulator, those tools were in C++ and C#/WPF.
I developed an arcade game on my free time and released it on the Android Store.
I took part to in house R&D as well as automating tool and audio tool development (for Unreal and Unity) with and for the sound designers.
I also made some audio implementation on multiple games as a AAA.
I made a ADM (Audio Definition Model) tool whereby users generate a audio file which renderer a spatialized audio scene.
I helped companies on programming aspects they can't handle by themselves, as converting C++ libraries to DLL and integrate them in Unity, in improving latency in a network system, by making web tools or developing a rope physic simulation tool.
I was engaged by a teacher of the HEAJ, directly after the graduating, he appreciates my resourcefulness.
I participate to the development of Mood Messenger in native android. I also developed a tool in C# for the artists and the web service of the app (back and front end).
I was engaged to begin the development of a game with Unity, and was later joined by two other developers. The game is a ‘pokemon go’ like with some rpg and housing mechanics.
I am always trying to learn new things so I have developed some tools and games which sometimes use VR.
For example I participated to some Ludum Dare, to the last six editions of The Global Game Jam and the five editions of the Kiss Your Teacher Game Jam.
I changed team at each jam and each time our game were relatively finished, and some are in VR
I gave courses to four children from 6 to 14 years old to prepare them to take national exams.
Programming, Video and Board games, 3D Modelling, 3D Printing, Drawing, Reading, Climbing, Bicycle, Role games, Larp.